Dynamique stochastique des systèmes réactifs et vivants
chercheurs associés: Olivier Bénichou (LPTMC), Ananyo Maitra (LPTM)
L’étude de processus hors d’équilibre et leur application à la modélisation de différents systèmes physico-chimiques, dont la cellule vivante constitue l’exemple le plus frappant, est au centre des recherches de l'équipe. Celles-ci combinent à la fois le développement de nouvelles méthodes analytiques et des travaux de modélisations de systèmes réels, à la fois à l’échelle de la particule unique (marches aléatoires, réactivité (bio)chimique et notamment transcription, processus de recherche de cible), et à l’échelle des comportements collectifs (motilité et polarisation cellulaire).
Pour plus d'informations, voir les pages personelles.
Doctorants (soutenance 2018->)
- 2025 Julien Brémond
- 2025 Rushi Shinde
- 2025 Martin Garic
- 2023 Jérémie Klinger
- 2021 Alex Barbier-Chebbah
- 2019 Ido Lavi
- 2018 Florence Bansept
Jerely O'byrne (2023-)
Marc Besse (2023-)
Joseph Ackermann (2022-)
Sam Bell (2022-)
Darka Labavic (2020-2022)
Silvia Grigolon (2020-2021)
Aurore Woller (2018-2020)
Ananyo Maitra (2018-2021)
Thibaut Bertrand (2017-2019)
Stagiaires Master
Master 1:
- 2020 Fatima Taiki
Master 2:
- 2023 Paul-Henry Glinel
- 2023 Kristiana Mihali
- 2023 (en cours, co-encadré avec Barbara Bravi à Imperial College London) Felix Wong
- 2022 Julien Brémond
- 2022 Éloi Boutillon
- 2022 Sébastien Billes
- 2022 Roberto Netti
- 2021 Thibault Chassereau
- 2020 Jérémie Klinger
- 2020 Nirbhay Patil
- 2020 Andonis Gerardos
- 2019 Christian Vanhille
- 2018 Alex Barbier-Chebbah
- 2018 Marina Torres-Lazaro
Offres d'emploi associées
⊞ | Graph matching based on similarities in structure and attributes - ArXiv (Sep. 2024) |
Full text PDF | Bibtex | doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.20212 |
⊞ | Friction forces determine cytoplasmic reorganization and shape changes of ascidian oocytes upon fertilization - Nature Physics (Jan. 2024) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Polarization and motility of one-dimensional multi-cellular trains - Biophysical Journal (Nov. 2023) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Leftward, rightward, and complete exit-time distributions of jump processes - Physical review E (May. 2023) |
⊞ | Imperfect narrow escape problem - Physical Review E (Mar. 2023) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Fitness advantage of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron capsular polysaccharide in the mouse gut depends on the resident microbiota - eLife (Feb. 2023) |
⊞ | Cells as «Tom Thumbs» of living tissues - Medecine Sciences: M/S (Nov. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Splitting Probabilities of Symmetric Jump Processes - Physical Review Letters (Nov. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Self-generated gradients steer collective migration on viscoelastic collagen networks - Nature Materials (Oct. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cell clusters adopt a collective amoeboid mode of migration in confined nonadhesive environments - Science Advances (Sep. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Everlasting impact of initial perturbations on first-passage times of non-Markovian random walks - Nature Communications (Sep. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Intermittent attractive interactions lead to microphase separation in nonmotile active matter - Physical Review E (Sep. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cytoplasmic forces functionally reorganize nuclear condensates in oocytes - Nature communications (Aug. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Elasticity of podosome actin networks produces nanonewton protrusive forces - Nature communications (Jul. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Crosslinking and depletion determine spatial instabilities in cytoskeletal active matter - Soft Matter (May. 2022) |
⊞ | Self-interacting random walks: Aging, exploration, and first-passage times - Physical Review X (Mar. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Joint statistics of space and time exploration of one-dimensional random walks - Physical Review E (Mar. 2022) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Hydrodynamic flow and concentration gradients in the gut enhance neutral bacterial diversity - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (Jan. 2022) |
⊞ | Universal kinetics of imperfect reactions in confinement - Communications chemistry (Nov. 2021) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Adhesion Percolation Determines Global Deformation Behavior in Biomimetic Emulsions - Frontiers in Physics (Sep. 2021) |
⊞ | Cell migration guided by long-lived spatial memory - Nature Communications (Jul. 2021) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | A rationally designed oral vaccine induces immunoglobulin A in the murine gut that directs the evolution of attenuated Salmonella variants - NATURE MICROBIOLOGY (Jul. 2021) |
⊞ | Universality classes of hitting probabilities of jump processes - Physical Review Letters (Mar. 2021) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Distribution of the span of one-dimensional confined random processes before hitting a target - Physical Review E (Mar. 2021) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Reply to “Comment on ‘Inverse Square Lévy Walks are not Optimal Search Strategies for d>=2”’ - Physical review letters (Jan. 2021) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cross-scale dynamics and the evolutionary emergence of infectious diseases - VIRUS EVOLUTION (Jan. 2021) |
⊞ | Anomalous persistence exponents for normal yet aging diffusion - Physical Review E (Dec. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Chiral active hexatics: Giant number fluctuations, waves, and destruction of order - Physical Review Letters (Dec. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | One-dimensional cell motility patterns - Physical review research (Aug. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cell stretching is amplified by active actin remodelling to deform and recruit proteins in mechanosensitive structures - Nature cell biology (Aug. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cellular locomotion using environmental topography - Nature (Jun. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Collective dynamics of focal adhesions regulate direction of cell motion - Cell Systems (Jun. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cell response to substrate rigidity is regulated by active and passive cytoskeletal stress - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Jun. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Kinetics of rare events for non-Markovian stationary processes and application to polymer dynamics - Physical Review Research (Mar. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Inverse Square Lévy Walks are not Optimal Search Strategies for d>=2 - Physical review letters (Feb. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Motility and morphodynamics of confined cells - Physical Review E (Feb. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Enhanced Orientational Ordering Induced by an Active yet Isotropic Bath - Physical Review Letters (Jan. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Stick-slip dynamics of cell adhesion triggers spontaneous symmetry breaking and directional migration of mesenchymal cells on one-dimensional lines - Science Advances (Jan. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Growing, evolving and sticking in a flowing environment: understanding IgA interactions with bacteria in the gut - Immunology (Jan. 2020) |
⊞ | Nonlinear diffusion and hyperuniformity from Poisson representation in systems with interaction mediated dynamics - New Journal of Physics (Dec. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | MT1-MMP directs force-producing proteolytic contacts that drive tumor cell invasion - Nature communications (Oct. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Active fluctuations of the nuclear envelope shape the transcriptional dynamics in oocytes - Developmental Cell (Oct. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cellular blebs and membrane invaginations are coupled through membrane tension buffering - Biophysical Journal (Oct. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Tunable corrugated patterns in an active nematic sheet - PNAS (Oct. 2019) |
⊞ | Diffusion through Nanopores in Connected Lipid Bilayer Networks - Phys. Rev. Lett. (Aug. 2019) |
⊞ | Survival probability of stochastic processes beyond persistence exponents - Nature communications (Jul. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Actomyosin-driven force patterning controls endocytosis at the immune synapse - Nature Communications (Jun. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Antibody-mediated crosslinking of gut bacteria hinders the spread of antibiotic resistance - EVOLUTION (Jun. 2019) |
⊞ | Enchained growth and cluster dislocation: A possible mechanism for microbiota homeostasis - PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY (May. 2019) |
⊞ | Large-scale curvature sensing by directional actin flow drives cellular migration mode switching - Nature physics (Apr. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Macropinocytosis overcomes directional bias in dendritic cells due to hydraulic resistance and facilitates space exploration - Dev Cell (Apr. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Signatures of motor susceptibility to forces in the dynamics of a tracer particle in an active gel - Physical Review E (Feb. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Cell shape and substrate stiffness drive actin-based cell polarity - Physical Review E (Jan. 2019) |
Bibtex | doi: |
⊞ | Quantifying the impact of a periodic presence of antimicrobial on resistance evolution in a homogeneous microbial population of fixed size - Journal of Theoretical Biology (Nov. 2018) |
⊞ | Inferring interaction partners from protein sequences using mutual information - PLoS Computational Biology (Nov. 2018) |
⊞ | Tracer diffusion in crowded narrow channels - J. Phys.-Condes. Matter (Nov. 2018) |
⊞ | pH sensing by lipids in membranes: The fundamentals of pH-driven migration, polarization and deformations of lipid bilayer assemblies - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes (Oct. 2018) |
⊞ | Universal first-passage statistics in aging media - Phys. Rev. E (Aug. 2018) |
⊞ | Integrating Physical and Molecular Insights on Immune Cell Migration - Trends Immunol. (Aug. 2018) |
⊞ | Directed Flow of Micromotors through Alignment Interactions with Micropatterned Ratchets - ACS Nano (Jul. 2018) |
⊞ | Intermittent Pili-Mediated Forces Fluidize Neisseria meningitidis Aggregates Promoting Vascular Colonization - Cell (Jun. 2018) |
⊞ | Ependymal cilia beating induces an actin network to protect centrioles against shear stress - Nat. Commun. (Jun. 2018) |
⊞ | Nonequilibrium Fluctuations and Enhanced Diffusion of a Driven Particle in a Dense Environment - Phys. Rev. Lett. (May. 2018) |
⊞ | Optimized Diffusion of Run-and-Tumble Particles in Crowded Environments - Physical Review Letters (May. 2018) |
⊞ | Time rescaling reproduces EEG behavior during transition from propofol anesthesia-induced unconsciousness to consciousness - Sci Rep (Apr. 2018) |
⊞ | Analysis of a nonlocal and nonlinear fokker planck model for cell crawling migration - SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (Dec. 2017) |
⊞ | Forces in inhomogeneous open active-particle systems - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Nov. 2017) |
⊞ | Generalized Archimedes' principle in active fluids - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Sep. 2017) |
⊞ | Myofibril contraction and crosslinking drive nuclear movement to the periphery of skeletal muscle - NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (Sep. 2017) |
⊞ | Bacterial biofilm under flow: First a physical struggle to stay, then a matter of breathing - PLOS ONE (Apr. 2017) |
URL | Full text PDF | Bibtex | doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175197 |
⊞ | Mean first-passage time of an anisotropic diffusive searcher - JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL (Jan. 2017) |
⊞ | Deterministic patterns in cell motility - Nature Physics (Dec. 2016) |
⊞ | Inferring interaction partners from protein sequences - PNAS (Oct. 2016) |
URL | Full text PDF | Bibtex | doi:10.1073/pnas.1606762113 |
⊞ | Single cell rigidity sensing: A complex relationship between focal adhesion dynamics and large-scale actin cytoskeleton remodeling - CELL ADHESION \& MIGRATION (Sep. 2016) |
⊞ | Active Particles with Soft and Curved Walls: Equation of State, Ratchets, and Instabilities - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Aug. 2016) |
⊞ | Optimal search strategies of run-and-tumble walks - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Jul. 2016) |
⊞ | Mean first-passage times of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement - NATURE (Jun. 2016) |
⊞ | ESCRT III repairs nuclear envelope ruptures during cell migration to limit DNA damage and cell death - SCIENCE (Apr. 2016) |
⊞ | A Predictive Model for Yeast Cell Polarization in Pheromone Gradients - PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY (Apr. 2016) |
⊞ | Nonlinear response and emerging nonequilibrium microstructures for biased diffusion in confined crowded environments - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Mar. 2016) |
⊞ | Cortical Flow-Driven Shapes of Non-Adherent Cells - BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Feb. 2016) |
⊞ | Actin flows in cell migration: from locomotion and polarity to trajectories - CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY (Feb. 2016) |
⊞ | Cortical Flow-Driven Shapes of Nonadherent Cells - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Jan. 2016) |
⊞ | ESCRT III Repairs Nuclear Envelope Rupture During Confined Cell Migration to Limit DNA Damage and Cell Death. - (Jan. 2016) |
⊞ | F-actin mechanics control spindle centring in the mouse zygote - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Jan. 2016) |
⊞ | Innate control of actin nucleation determines two distinct migration behaviours in dendritic cells - NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (Jan. 2016) |
⊞ | Ratchetaxis: Long-Range Directed Cell Migration by Local Cues - TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY (Dec. 2015) |
⊞ | Mean exit time for surface-mediated diffusion: spectral analysis and asymptotic behavior - ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS (Dec. 2015) |
⊞ | Non-Markovian closure kinetics of flexible polymers with hydrodynamic interactions - JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Diffusion and Subdiffusion of Interacting Particles on Comblike Structures - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Contact Kinetics in Fractal Macromolecules - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Contact Kinetics in Fractal Macromolecules - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Distribution of the position of a driven tracer in a hardcore lattice gas - JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Distribution of the position of a driven tracer in a hardcore lattice gas - JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Cover times of random searches - NATURE PHYSICS (Oct. 2015) |
⊞ | The cell ratchet: Interplay between efficient protrusions and adhesion determines cell motion - CELL ADHESION & MIGRATION (Sep. 2015) |
⊞ | Cell migration and antigen capture are antagonistic processes coupled by myosin II in dendritic cells - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Aug. 2015) |
⊞ | Probing the target search of DNA-binding proteins in mammalian cells using TetR as model searcher - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Jul. 2015) |
⊞ | Cell migration and antigen capture are antagonistic processes coupled by myosin II in dendritic cells - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Jun. 2015) |
⊞ | Adaptive rheology and ordering of cell cytoskeleton govern matrix rigidity sensing - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Jun. 2015) |
⊞ | Mean first-passage times in confined media: from Markovian to non-Markovian processes - JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL (Apr. 2015) |
⊞ | Actin Flows Mediate a Universal Coupling between Cell Speed and Cell Persistence - Cell (Apr. 2015) |
URL | Full text PDF | Bibtex | doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.01.056 |
⊞ | Actin Flows Mediate a Universal Coupling between Cell Speed and Cell Persistence - CELL (Apr. 2015) |
⊞ | Working Together: Spatial Synchrony in the Force and Actin Dynamics of Podosome First Neighbors - ACS NANO (Apr. 2015) |
⊞ | Active diffusion positions the nucleus in mouse oocytes - NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (Apr. 2015) |
⊞ | Active diffusion positions the nucleus in mouse oocytes - NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (Apr. 2015) |
⊞ | Confinement and Low Adhesion Induce Fast Amoeboid Migration of Slow Mesenchymal Cells - Cell (Feb. 2015) |
URL | Full text PDF | Bibtex | doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.01.007 |
⊞ | Confinement and Low Adhesion Induce Fast Amoeboid Migration of Slow Mesenchymal Cells - CELL (Feb. 2015) |
⊞ | Cortical Contractility Triggers a Stochastic Switch to Fast Amoeboid Cell Motility - CELL (Feb. 2015) |
⊞ | Confinement and Low Adhesion Induce Fast Amoeboid Migration of Slow Mesenchymal Cells - CELL (Feb. 2015) |
⊞ | Cortical Contractility Triggers a Stochastic Switch to Fast Amoeboid Cell Motility - CELL (Feb. 2015) |
⊞ | Liposome Adhesion Generates Contractile Traction Stresses - BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Jan. 2015) |
⊞ | Exit Time Distribution in Spherically Symmetric Two-Dimensional Domains - JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS (Jan. 2015) |
⊞ | A narrow window of cortical tension guides asymmetric spindle positioning in the mouse oocyte - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Jan. 2015) |
⊞ | Microscopic Theory for Negative Differential Mobility in Crowded Environments - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Dec. 2014) |
⊞ | Cyclization kinetics of Gaussian semiflexible polymer chains - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Nov. 2014) |
⊞ | Protrusion force microscopy reveals oscillatory force generation and mechanosensing activity of human macrophage podosomes - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (Nov. 2014) |
⊞ | Cells as Active Particles in Asymmetric Potentials: Motility under External Gradients - BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Oct. 2014) |
⊞ | Velocity Anomaly of a Driven Tracer in a Confined Crowded Environment - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Jul. 2014) |
⊞ | Gaussian semiflexible rings under angular and dihedral restrictions - JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (Jul. 2014) |
⊞ | Protrusion Fluctuations Direct Cell Motion - BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Jul. 2014) |
⊞ | From first-passage times of random walks in confinement to geometry-controlled kinetics - PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS (Jun. 2014) |
⊞ | Mean cover time of one-dimensional persistent random walks - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Jun. 2014) |
⊞ | Single-molecule tracking in live cells reveals distinct target-search strategies of transcription factors in the nucleus - ELIFE (Jun. 2014) |
⊞ | Accelerating search kinetics by following boundaries - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Jun. 2014) |
⊞ | Active polar fluid flow in finite droplets - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E (Feb. 2014) |
⊞ | Liposome adhesion generates traction stress - NATURE PHYSICS (Feb. 2014) |
⊞ | Splitting probabilities and interfacial territory covered by two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface-mediated diffusion - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Jan. 2014) |
⊞ | First-Passage Statistics for Random Walks in Bounded Domains - FIRST-PASSAGE PHENOMENA AND THEIR APPLICATIONS (Jan. 2014) |
⊞ | First-Passage Times of Intermittent Random Walks - FIRST-PASSAGE PHENOMENA AND THEIR APPLICATIONS (Jan. 2014) |
⊞ | Geometry-Induced Superdiffusion in Driven Crowded Systems - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Dec. 2013) |
⊞ | Cell-sized liposomes reveal how actomyosin cortical tension drives shape change (vol 110, pg 16456, 2013) - PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Dec. 2013) |
⊞ | Geometric Friction Directs Cell Migration - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Nov. 2013) |
⊞ | Migration of dendritic cells: physical principles, molecular mechanisms, and functional implications - IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS (Nov. 2013) |
⊞ | Cell-sized liposomes reveal how actomyosin cortical tension drives shape change - PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Oct. 2013) |
⊞ | A soft cortex is essential for asymmetric spindle positioning in mouse oocytes - NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (Aug. 2013) |
⊞ | Active Transport in Dense Diffusive Single-File Systems - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Jul. 2013) |
⊞ | The shadow principle: An optimal survival strategy for a prey chased by random predators - PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (Jul. 2013) |
⊞ | Fluctuations and correlations of a driven tracer in a hard-core lattice gas - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Mar. 2013) |
⊞ | Reactive conformations and non-Markovian reaction kinetics of a Rouse polymer searching for a target in confinement - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Mar. 2013) |
⊞ | Reactive conformations and non-Markovian cyclization kinetics of a Rouse polymer - JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (Mar. 2013) |
⊞ | Active gel model of amoeboid cell motility - NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (Feb. 2013) |
⊞ | Spatial log-periodic oscillations of first-passage observables in fractals - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Dec. 2012) |
⊞ | Exact mean exit time for surface-mediated diffusion - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Oct. 2012) |
⊞ | Reaction kinetics of A plus B -> 0 - JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL (Oct. 2012) |
⊞ | Front acceleration by dynamic selection in Fisher population waves - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Oct. 2012) |
⊞ | Taylor dispersion with adsorption and desorption - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Sep. 2012) |
⊞ | Invasion fronts with variable motility: Phenotype selection, spatial sorting and wave acceleration - COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE (Aug. 2012) |
⊞ | Non-Markovian polymer reaction kinetics - NATURE CHEMISTRY (Jul. 2012) |
⊞ | Kinetics of Active Surface-Mediated Diffusion in Spherically Symmetric Domains - JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS (Jun. 2012) |
⊞ | Interfacial territory covered by surface-mediated diffusion - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (May. 2012) |
⊞ | Geometry-Induced Bursting Dynamics in Gene Expression - BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (May. 2012) |
⊞ | Evidence of a large-scale mechanosensing mechanism for cellular adaptation to substrate stiffness - PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (May. 2012) |
⊞ | Non-Gaussianity and dynamical trapping in locally activated random walks - PHYSICAL REVIEW E (Feb. 2012) |
⊞ | Optimizing Persistent Random Searches - PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (Feb. 2012) |
⊞ | Classes of fast and specific search mechanisms for proteins on DNA - REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS (Feb. 2012) |
⊞ | Encounter distribution of two random walkers on a finite one-dimensional interval - JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL (Sep. 2011) |