Accueil  >  Annuaire  >  Jean-Christophe Galas
Jean-Christophe Galas
Chargé de recherches CNRS
Bureau (pièce 506)
01 44 27 39 22

Thématiques de recherche

EvoMorph - Evolution & Morphogenèse dans les systèmes moléculaires



Collective chemomechanical oscillations in active hydrogels - PNAS (Feb. 2024)
B. Blanc , J. Agyapong, , I. Hunter, , J.C. Galas , A. Fernandes-Nieves, , S. Fraden
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1073/pnas.2313258121



Programmed mechano-chemical coupling in reaction-diffusion active matter - Science Advances (Dec. 2021)
A. Senoussi , J.C. Galas , A. Estevez-Torres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1126/sciadv.abi9865
Learning from Embryo Development to Engineer Self-organizing Materials - Out-of-Equilibrium (Supra)molecular Systems and Materials (Apr. 2021)
A. Senoussi , Y. Vyborna , H. Berthoumieux , J.C. Galas , A. Estevez-Torres
Programming Spatio-temporal Patterns with DNA-based Circuits - Wiley (publisher) DNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems (Jan. 2021)
M. Van Der Hofstadt Serrano , G. Gines , J.C. Galas , A. Estevez-Torres



DNA-based long-lived reaction-diffusion patterning in a host hydrogel - Soft Matter (Oct. 2019)
G. Urtel , A. Estevez-Torres , J.C. Galas
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1039/C9SM01786K
Tunable corrugated patterns in an active nematic sheet - PNAS (Oct. 2019)
A. Senoussi , S. Kashida , R. Voituriez , J.C. Galas , A. Maitra , A. Estevez-Torres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1073/pnas.1912223116


Synthesis and materialization of a reaction-diffusion French flag pattern - Nature chem. (May. 2017)
A. Zadorin , Y. Rondelez , G. Gines , V. Dilhas , G. Urtel , A. Zambrano , J.C. Galas , A. Estevez-Torres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1038/nchem.2770
Microscopic agents programmed by DNA circuits - Nature Nano (Jan. 2017)
G. Gines , A.S. Zadorin , J.C. Galas , T. Fujii , A. Estevez-Torres , Y. Rondelez
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1038/nnano.2016.299


Pursuit-and-Evasion Reaction-Diffusion Waves in Microreactors with Tailored Geometry - J. Phys. Chem. B (Apr. 2015)
A. Zambrano , A.S. Zadorin , Y. Rondelez , A. Estevez-Torres , J.C. Galas
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1021/jp509474w
Synthesis of Programmable Reaction-Diffusion Fronts Using DNA Catalyzers - Phys. Rev. Lett. (Feb. 2015)
A.S. Zadorin , Y. Rondelez , J.C. Galas , A. Estevez-Torres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.068301


A microdevice for parallelized pulmonary permeability studies - Biomed. Microdevices (Apr. 2014)
L. Bol , J.C. Galas , H. Hillaireau , I. Le Potier , V. Nicolas , A.M. Haghiri-Gosnet , E. Fattal , M. Taverna
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1007/s10544-013-9831-3


Pressure-Assisted Selective Preconcentration in a Straight Nanochannel - Anal. Chem. (Aug. 2013)
A.C. Louer , A. Plecis , A. Pallandre , J.C. Galas , A. Estevez-Torres , A.M. Haghiri-Gosnet
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1021/ac4016159
A nanoliter-scale open chemical reactor - Lab Chip (Jan. 2013)
J.C. Galas , A.M. Haghiri-Gosnet , A. Estevez-Torres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1039/c2lc40649g


Amplification and Temporal Filtering during Gradient Sensing by Nerve Growth Cones Probed with a Microfluidic Assay - Biophys. J. (Oct. 2012)
M. Morel , V. Shynkar , J.C. Galas , I. Dupin , C. Bouzigues , V. Studer , M. Dahan
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2012.08.040
Nerve Growth Cones as Sensing, Amplifying and Filtering Modules: A Single-Molecule and Microfluidic Approach - Biophys. J. (Jan. 2012)
V. Shynkar , M. Morel , J.C. Galas , C. Bouzigues , V. Studer , M. Dahan
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:
Concentration landscape generators for shear free dynamic chemical stimulation - Lab Chip (Jan. 2012)
M. Morel , J.C. Galas , M. Dahan , V. Studer
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1039/c2lc20994b


Prototyping of microfluidic systems using a commercial thermoplastic elastomer - Microfluid. Nanofluid. (Jan. 2011)
E. Roy , M. Geissler , J.C. Galas , T. Veres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1007/s10404-011-0789-2


High Frequency Chemical Stimulation of Living Cells - Biophys. J. (Jan. 2010)
J.C. Galas , M. Morel , V. Shynkar , M. Dahan , V. Studer
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:


Active connectors for microfluidic drops on demand - New J. Phys. (Jul. 2009)
J.C. Galas , D. Bartolo , V. Studer
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/7/075027
Microfluidic Patterning of Miniaturized DNA Arrays on Plastic Substrates - ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (Jan. 2009)
M. Geissler , E. Roy , G.A. Diaz-Quijada , J.C. Galas , T. Veres
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1021/am900285g
Microfluidic stickers for cell- and tissue-based assays in microchannels - Lab Chip (Jan. 2009)
M. Morel , D. Bartolo , J.C. Galas , M. Dahan , V. Studer
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1039/b819090a


Compact dye laser on a chip fabricated by ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography - Appl. Phys. Lett. (Dec. 2006)
C. Peroz , J.C. Galas , L. Le Gratiet , Y. Chen , J. Shi
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1063/1.2404607
Microfluidic dye laser intracavity absorption - Appl. Phys. Lett. (Nov. 2006)
J.C. Galas , C. Peroz , Q. Kou , Y. Chen
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1063/1.2392997
Focused ion beam sculpted membranes for nanoscience tooling - Microelectron. Eng. (Jan. 2006)
A. Biance , J. Gierak , E. Bourhis , A. Madouri , X. Lafosse , G. Patriarche , G. Oukhaled , C. Ulysse , J. Galas , Y. Chen , L. Auvray
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1016/j.mee.2006.01.133


Microfluidic tunable dye laser with integrated mixer and ring resonator - Appl. Phys. Lett. (Jun. 2005)
J. Galas , J. Torres , M. Belotti , Q. Kou , Y. Chen
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1063/1.1968421
Characterization of pneumatically activated microvalves by measuring electrical conductance - Microelectron. Eng. (Jan. 2005)
J. Galas , V. Studer , Y. Chen
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1016/j.mee.2004.12.016


Fabrication of three-dimensional microstructures using standard ultraviolet and electron-beam lithography - J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B (Jan. 2004)
J. Galas , B. Belier , A. Aassime , J. Palomo , D. Bouville , J. Aubert
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1116/1.1755213