Thématiques de recherche
Mécanique des systèmes biologiques intégrés et artificielsPrésentation
Mes activités de recherche s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la thématique Biophotonique du Laboratoire Jean Perrin. Nous travaillons non seulement sur l'étude et la caractérisation de composés biologiquement photo-actifs mais aussi sur les appareils et les méthodes rendant de telles études possibles. À titre personnel, mes centres d'intérêt portent sur la compréhension de l'internalisation et du comportement cellulaire des molécules en lien avec leur prise en charge dans le trafic intracellulaire, leurs propriétés physiques et physico-chimiques ainsi que les propriétés des membranes biologiques et leur éventuelle photo-modulation.
Je m’intéresse en outre à la caractérisation des paramètres physiques et biophysiques gouvernant les propriétés des membranes, en lien avec leur capacité à remplir leurs fonctions biologiques. Autour de cette problématique, mes principales thématiques de recherche sont :
- Photo-perturbation et perméabilisation des systèmes membranaires,
- Photo-contrôle du trafic intracellulaire et vectorisation,
- Membranes actives photo-contrôlées et nano-compartimentation cellulaire.
Liens externes
⊞ | Extracellular vesicles from activated platelets possess a phospholipid-rich biomolecular profile and enhance prothrombinase activity - Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (Jan. 2024) |
Bibtex | doi:10.1016/j.jtha.2024.01.004 |
⊞ | Dynamics of mitochondrial under oxidative stress with high spatiotemporal resolution - Front. Cell Dev. Biol. (Nov. 2023) |
Bibtex | doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2023.1307502 |
⊞ | Mitochondrial cristae modeled as an out-of-equilibrium membrane driven by a proton field - Phys. Rev. E (Aug. 2020) |
Bibtex | doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022401 |
⊞ | Lipid unsaturation properties govern the sensitivity of membranes to photo-induced oxidative stress - Biophysical Journal (Mar. 2019) |
⊞ | Nonequilibrium fluctuations of lipid membranes by the rotating motor protein F1F0-ATP synthase - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Oct. 2017) |
URL | Full text PDF | Bibtex | doi:10.1073/pnas.1701207114 |
⊞ | Photo-induced oxidation of bio-mimetic membranes : Giant pore openings and membrane defects - Eur. Biophys. J. Biophys. Lett. (Jul. 2017) |
⊞ | Berberine as a photosensitizing agent for antitumoral photodynamic therapy: Insights into its association to low density lipoproteins - Int. J. Pharm. (Aug. 2016) |
⊞ | Correlation between Mitochondrial Morphology and Functionality after Oxidative Stress - Biophys. J. (Feb. 2016) |
⊞ | Release kinetics of an amphiphilic photosensitizer by block-polymer nanoparticles - Int. J. Pharm. (Nov. 2015) |
⊞ | Intracellular Monitoring of AS1411 Aptamer by Time-Resolved Microspectrofluorimetry and Fluorescence Imaging - J. Fluoresc. (Sep. 2015) |
⊞ | Combining magnetic nanoparticles with cell derived microvesicles for drug loading and targeting - Nanomedicine: NBM (Apr. 2015) |
⊞ | Impact of Photosensitizers Activation on Intracellular Trafficking and Viscosity - PLOS One (Dec. 2013) |
⊞ | Magnetic and Photoresponsive Theranosomes: Translating Cell-Released Vesicles into Smart Nanovectors for Cancer Therapy - ACS Nano (Jun. 2013) |
⊞ | Flavin Conjugates for Delivery of Peptide Nucleic Acids - ChemBioChem (Nov. 2012) |
⊞ | Photo-dynamic induction of oxidative stress within cholesterol-containing membranes: Shape transitions and permeabilization - Biochem. Biophys. Acta - Biomembranes (Dec. 2011) |
⊞ | Hypericin incorporation and localization in fixed HeLa cells for various conditions of fixation and incubation - Photochem. Photobiol. Sciences (Nov. 2011) |
⊞ | Interaction dynamics of hypericin with low-density lipoproteins and U87-MG cells - International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Apr. 2010) |
⊞ | Photosensitization of polymer vesicles: a multistep chemical process deciphered by micropipette manipulation - Soft Matter (Jan. 2010) |
⊞ | Asymmetric Oxidation of Giant Vesicles Triggers Curvature-Associated Shape Transition and Permeabilization - Biophys. J. (Dec. 2009) |
⊞ | Influence of surface energy distribution on neuritogenesis - Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces (Sep. 2009) |
⊞ | Photosensitizing properties of chlorins in solution and in membrane-mimicking systems - Photochem Photobiol Sci. (Jan. 2009) |
⊞ | Membrane Deformation under Local pH Gradient: Mimicking Mitochondrial Cristae Dynamics - Biophys. J. (Nov. 2008) |
⊞ | Tetrapyrrole photosensitisers, determinants of subcellular localisation and mechanisms of photodynamic processes in therapeutic approaches - Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents (Sep. 2008) |
⊞ | Cellular uptake and subcellular distribution of chlorin e6 as functions of pH and interactions with membranes and lipoproteins - Biochim Biophys Acta (Nov. 2007) |
⊞ | Structural and physico-chemical determinants of the interactions of macrocyclic photosensitizers with cells - Eur Biophys J. (Nov. 2007) |
⊞ | Tetrapyrrole-photosensitizers vectorization and plasma LDL: A physico-chemical approach - International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Nov. 2007) |
⊞ | The pH-dependent distribution of the photosensitizer chlorin e6 among plasma proteins and membranes: A physico-chemical approach - Biochim Biophys Acta (Feb. 2007) |