LJP at a glance

LJP research activities consist in Physics at the interface of with Biology and Medicine. We develop new experimental approaches to probe complex biological systems at different scales, and we develop bio-inspired systems to develop new concepts or to improve our understanding of given biological mechanisms. A large part of our research aims at exploring the response of a biological system to external perturbations. Finally, the LJP includes a theoretical component closely interacting with experimenters.

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Internal seminar.
September 10, 2024 at 11:00AM - 4th floor seminar room - LJP - Tower 22-23

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JAN 2024
PhD defense of SEOW Vui Yin (Mafer)
I'd like to invite you to my doctorate thesis defense on "DNA Transformation and Type IV Pili ...
JAN 2024
New direction of LJP
Lea-Laetitia Pontani is the new director and Maxime Deforet is deputy director of Laboratoire Jean Perrin as ...
JUN 2023
Ph.D. defense of Guillaume Sarfati
J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse qui aura lieu le mardi 20 juin ...
JUN 2023
LJP retreat (2023 edition)
 The LJP retreat took place from June 13 to 15, 2023 at the Chancellerie of Montrichard (Loire-et-Cher). ...
APR 2023
Ph.D. defense of Hippolyte Moulle - 06/04/2023 at 9:30AM - IBPS room B501
I am glad to invite you to my PhD defense, which will take place on Thursday the 6th of April, in room B501 of...
MAR 2023
PhD defense of Nicolas Escoubet - 2023/03/09 at 14h00 - Charpak Amphitheater
Nicolas Escoubet will defend his PhD on Thursday, March 09th, 2023 at 14h00 in the Georges Charpak ...

Latest publications

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Extreme value statistics of jump processes - Physical Review E (May. 2024)
J. Klinger , R. Voituriez , O. Bénichou
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:
DiSTNet2D: Leveraging Long-Range Temporal Information for Efficient Segmentation and Tracking - PRX Life (Apr. 2024)
J. Ollion , M. Maliet , C. Giuglaris , E. Vacher , M. Deforet
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:https://doi.org/10.1103/PRXLife.2.023004
Clustering and ordering in cell assemblies with generic asymmetric aligning interactions - Physical Review Research (Apr. 2024)
T. Bertrand , J. d'Alessandro , A. Maitra , S. Jain , B. Mercier , R.M. Mège , B. Ladoux , R. Voituriez
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:
Identification of extracellular vesicles from their Raman spectra via self-supervised learning - Scientific Reports (Mar. 2024)
M.N. Jensen , E.M. Guerreiro , A. Enciso-Martinez , S.G. Kruglik , C. Otto , O. Snir , B. Ricaud , O.G. Hellesø
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi:10.1038/s41598-024-56788-7
Structure and individuality of navigation in zebrafish larvae - hal (Feb. 2024)
M. Dommanget-Kott , J. Fernandez-De-Cossio-Diaz, , M. Coraggioso , V. Bormuth , R. Monasson, , G. Debrégeas , S. Cocco,
  URL Full text PDF Bibtex doi: