Soutenance de thèse d'Hippolyte Moulle - 06/04/2023 à 9h30 - IBPS salle B501

Soutenance de thèse d'Hippolyte Moulle - 06/04/2023 à 9h30 - IBPS salle B501
AVR 2023
AVR 2023
I am glad to invite you to my PhD defense, which will take place on Thursday the 6th of April at 9:30AM, in room B501 of the IBPS!
I will present my work on neuronal basis of multisensory integration, in English.
The members of my jury are :
- Volker Bormuth (PhD supervisor)
- Ruben Portugues (rapporteur)
- Yves Boubenec (rapporteur)
- German Sumbre (examinateur)
- Elim Hong (examinateur)