Accueil  >  Séminaires  >  Disorder-induced cooperative behaviour in aligning self-propelled particle systems
Disorder-induced cooperative behaviour in aligning self-propelled particle systems
Par Eloise Lardet - Imperial College London -UK
Le 11 Juin 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533


Flocking is a prime example of how robust collective behaviours can emerge from simple interaction rules. The famous Vicsek model displays a transition from disorder to flocking by varying different system parameters, and has been well-studied since its conception in 1995; however, the generalisation to heterogeneous interactions has been given less attention. Here, we consider adding quenched disorder in the alignment interactions to a self-propelled particle model, in the form of Gaussian distributed couplings. By increasing the standard deviation of the coupling distribution, we find the emergence of significant global polar order in systems where the majority of couplings are anti-aligning. I will present these numerical findings and investigate the self-organisation mechanism by which this phenomenon occurs.