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From gel reinforcement to gel adhesion
By Alba Marcellan (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle, ESPCI ParisTech)
February 9, 2016 at 11:00AM - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage, Tour 32-33


Polymer hydrogels can be viewed as containers of solvent, e.g. water, made of a cross-linked network of polymer chains. Gels are interesting objects which combine both liquid-like and solid-like properties. The liquid-like properties result from the fact that the major constituent of gels is usually a liquid, e.g. water. For example, a jelly consists of approximately 97% water and 3% gelatin. On the other hand, the gel behaves as an elastic solid, as it can retain its shape after stretching.

During the last ten years, we have tried to develop a more comprehensive picture of the molecular mechanisms involved in the deformation and the fracture (bulk and adhesion) processes of polymer gels. By using the concepts of polymer physics, we have designed “hybrid” model systems that combine covalent (permanent) cross-links and physical (reversible) interactions.1 Recently, we proposed a new method for gluing gels and soft biological tissues by using nanoparticle solutions as a glue.2,3 This method is remarkably simple and versatile; it enables the rapid bonding at room temperature of two gels of different cross-linking densities or different nature. In this talk, I will describe the approach that has consisted to shift from bulk reinforcement to gel adhesion with solid nanoparticles. I will present the ongoing work and some promising perspectives. 

1.  Rose ; Dizeux ; Narita ; Hourdet ; Marcellan / Macromolecules (2013)

2. Rose; Prevoteau; Elziere; Hourdet; Marcellan; Leibler/ Nature (2014)

3. Meddahi-Pelle; Legrand ; Marcellan; Louedec ; Letourneur ; Leibler / Angewandte Chem.-Int. Ed. (2014)