The Glass and Jamming transitions in dense granular matter
C. Coulais
R. Candelier
O. Dauchot
Powders and Grains, 1542, BFQ84 (2013)
DOI: 10.1063/1.4811862
ISSN: 0094-243X
Everyday life tells us that matter acquires rigidity either when it cools down, like lava flows which turn into solid rocks, or when it is compacted, like tablets simply formed by powder compression. As suggested by these examples, solidification is not the sole privilege of crystals but also happens for disordered media such as glass formers, granular media, foams, emulsions and colloidal suspensions. Fifteen years ago the Jamming paradigm emerged to encompass in a unique framework the glass transition and the emergence of yield stress, two challenging issues in modern condensed matter physics. One must realize how bold this proposal was, given that the glass transition is a finite temperature transition governing the dynamical properties of supercooled liquids, while Jamming is essentially a zero temperature, zero external stress and purely geometric transition which occurs when a given packing of particles reaches the maximum compression state above which particles start to overlap. More recently, the observation of remarkable scaling properties on the approach to jamming led to the conjecture that this zero temperature critical point could determine the properties of dense particle systems within a region of the parameter space to be determined, which in principle could include thermal and stressed systems. Fifteen years of intense theoretical and experimental work later, what have we learned about Jamming and glassy dynamics? In this paper, we discuss these issues in the light of the experiments we have been conducting with vibrated grains.