Nonequilibrium Fluctuations and Enhanced Diffusion of a Driven Particle in a Dense Environment
P. Illien
O. Benichou
G. Oshanin
A. Sarracino
R. Voituriez
Phys. Rev. Lett.,
120, 20
Published 16 May 2018
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.200606
ISSN: 0031-9007
We study the diffusion of a tracer particle driven out of equilibrium by an external force and traveling in a dense environment of arbitrary density. The system evolves on a discrete lattice and its stochastic dynamics is described by a master equation. Relying on a decoupling approximation that goes beyond the naive mean-field treatment of the problem, we calculate the fluctuations of the position of the tracer around its mean value on a lattice of arbitrary dimension, and with different boundary conditions. We reveal intrinsically nonequilibrium effects, such as enhanced diffusivity of the tracer induced by both the crowding interactions and the external driving. We finally consider the high-density and low-density limits of the model and show that our approximation scheme becomes exact in these limits.
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