JAN 2025
A position of Assistant Professor is opened in 2025 at the Jean Perrin Laboratory (UMR 8237, IBPS unit, Sorbonne University/CNRS) on a very broad profile of "Experimental Biophysics".
The Jean Perrin Laboratory is a laboratory located on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus of Sorbonne University, whose 5 research thematics are at the interface between physics and biology. They are divided into 4 experimental thematics and 1 theoretical thematic, all of which propose to use concepts or tools from Physics to answer questions in Biology. The range of biological systems studied at the LJP is very broad, from subcellular objects to individual cells, including tissues and multi-cellular assemblies, as well as biochemical and neuronal networks. Despite this broad spectrum of systems, our research effort is guided by common concepts and ideas that constitute the identity of the laboratory.
The LJP wishes to strengthen its experimental research activities and recruit a lecturer with a broad profile in biophysics. The recruited lecturer will be able to integrate his/her research activities among the existing experimental themes and possibly develop cross-disciplinary projects allowing a strong interaction with the subjects already present at the LJP. The titles of the experimental thematics currently present in the laboratory are as follows:
Contact : lea-laetitia.pontani@sorbonne-universite.fr
Laboratoire Jean Perrin, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
Deadline for submitting the application on ODYSSEE: April 4, 2025, 16:00