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Formation and functionalization of cellular lipid droplets
By Abdou Rachid Thiam (ENS)
November 12, 2019 at 11:00AM - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage, Tour 32-33


A key feature of cell survival is the ability to synchronously respond to environmental energy fluctuations. Excess energy is stored by cells in neutral lipid oil forms such as triglycerides and sterol esters, which are reused during scarcities or cellular expansion. These lipids are made at the endoplasmic reticulum bilayer. Because of their hydrophobicity, they are packaged into intracellular oil-in-water emulsion droplets, called lipid droplets, covered by a phospholipid monolayer containing proteins. Lipid droplets play a crucial role in cellular lipid metabolism and are involved in several other biological processes. Despite these functions, mechanisms of lipid droplet formation and functionalization, which is the way by which proteins are targeted to lipid droplet surface, remain elusive. Our team has developed droplet interface bilayer methods to address these questions. I will present how we dedicated these emulsion-based droplets tools to identify key contributions of membrane lipids in lipid droplet formation and functionalization.