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Séminaires à venir

Par Mathieu RIVIERE - Laboratoire IUSTI, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Le 4 Mars 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - Tours 22-32 - 4e étage - Pièce 407
Par Joshua Ricouvier
Le 6 Mars 2025 à 10h00 - zoom
Par Laura CANTINI - Institut Pasteur - CNRS UMR 3738 - Paris
Le 11 Mars 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - Tours 22-32 - 4e étage - Pièce 407
Par Ludovic JAMI - Laboratoire INPHYNI, Nice, France
Le 18 Mars 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - Tours 22-32 - 4e étage - Pièce 407

Séminaires passés

Dynamics of motile bacterial suspensions: reaction to oxygen and interaction with passive particles
Par Julien BOUVARD - Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, UK
Le 11 Février 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - Tours 22-32 - 4e étage - Pièce 407
The swimming motion of bacteria has recently seen an increasing interest from physicists, utilizing the recent progresses in microscopy and the development of microfluidics to study this ...
Mechanics of living systems: pressing for answers
Par Valentin LAPLAUD - Ladhyx, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Le 4 Février 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - Barre Cassan - Bâtiment C - Etage 4 -salle C404
In this talk I will present the two experimental systems that I have develloped during my PhD and postdoc : a magnetic pincher to probe the cortex of living animal cells and a microfluidic chip to ...
Development of physiologically-relevant microvessels for tissue engineering: when mechanics guides vessel formation
Par Mathieu Hautefeuille - IBPS - Sorbonne-Université - Developmental Biology and Microphysiological Systems
Le 28 Janvier 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - Tours 22-32 - 4e étage - Pièce 407
In this seminar, I will present the past and current work of my team at IBPS, aiming at constructing perfusable microvessels to develop physiologically-relevant tissue microenvironments on ...
Towards emulsion-based functional materials: from stimulable polymer capsules to biomimetic programmable colloidal assemblies
Par Lucas SIXDENIER - Dept. of Physics, New York University, New York, USA
Le 27 Janvier 2025 à 16h00 - On Zoom
Microemulsions, i.e. dispersions of liquid droplets in another liquid in which they are not soluble, are versatile platforms for the design of functional soft materials, such as ...
Forty years of Boltzmann machines and counting
Par Rémi Monasson - LPENS
Le 21 Janvier 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Botlzmann machines were invented 40 years ago and awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics last October. The talk will review the basic principles of these machines, and two recent developments we have done...
How does a bacterial adhesin make up its MinD?
Par Nicolas DESPRAT - Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS - Paris
Le 14 Janvier 2025 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Surface proteins are essential components of bacteria-environment interactions. Akin to their cytoplasmic counterparts, polar localization of surface proteins is required in many contexts such as cell...
Flagella-like beating of actin bundles driven by self-organized myosin waves
Par Pascal MARTIN - Physique des Cellules et Cance - UMR 168, Institut Curie, Paris
Le 17 Décembre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Wave-like beating of eukaryotic cilia and flagella - threadlike protrusions found in many cells and microorganisms - is a classic example of spontaneous mechanical oscillations in biology. This type ...
Séminaire interne
Par Romain LEROUX - Frédéric JOUBERT
Le 10 Décembre 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 4ème étage - LJP - Tours 22-23
Active-matter droplets: patterns of an active filament by Romain Leroux Known as the cytoskeleton, networks of active biopolymers dynamically shape the cell membrane. Described by active ...
Fluctuations in dense active matter and applications to epithelial cell movements
Par Yann-Edwin KETA (Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, Netherlands)
Le 2 Décembre 2024 à 14h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Active matter is an umbrella term which applies to a broad range of living and synthetic systems, composed of individual units each capable of consuming energy to perform motion, hence driving the ...
Non Equilibrium Transitions in a Template Copying Ensemble and from noisy cell size control to population growth
Par Arthur GENTHON
Le 26 Novembre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Part 1: Non Equilibrium Transitions in a Template Copying Ensemble The fuel-driven process of replication in living systems generates distributions of copied entities with varying degrees of copying ...
Bacterial growth under confinement requires transcriptional adaptation to resist metabolite-induced turgor pressure build-up
Par Daria Bonazzi
Le 19 Novembre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Bacterial proliferation often occurs in confined spaces, during biofilm formation, within hostcells, or in specific niches during infection, creating mechanical constraints. We investigated how ...
Prediction of neural activity in connectome-constrained recurrent networks
Par Manuel Beiran Amigo, Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University, NY
Le 12 Novembre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Establishing links between the connectivity of large neural networks and their emergent function is a major goal of neuroscience. In this talk, I will explain a theory of connectome-constrained ...
Séminaire interne.
Par Léo Régnier and Elie Wandersman
Le 5 Novembre 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 4ème étage - LJP - Tours 22-23
See English version of the webpage.
Osmotic control of nuclear size and the N/C ratio in fission yeast
Par Joël LEMIERE, Department of Cell and Tissue Biology, University of California, San Francisco
Le 22 Octobre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
The size of the nucleus scales robustly with cell size so that the nuclear-to-cell volume ratio (N/C ratio) is typically maintained as a constant in many cell types. Previous studies show that the N/C...
Séminaire des nouveaux entrants.
Le 8 Octobre 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 4ème étage - LJP - Tours 22-23
Electrodiffusion models of synaptic potentials in dendritic spines
Par Thibault LAGACHE, Institut Pasteur – Department of Cell Biology & Infection – BioImage Analysis
Le 1 Octobre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
The biophysical properties of dendritic spines play a critical role in neuronal integration but are still poorly understood, due to experimental difficulties in accessing them. Spine biophysics has ...
Force sensing in plants with mechanosensitive channels
Par Jean-Marie FRACHISSE, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), 91198, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Le 24 Septembre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Plants, like all living organisms, are subject to mechanical forces either from their environment or from within their own bodies. For example, when the root encounters obstacles in the soil, or when ...
Two problems in microfluidics inspired by biology
Par Gabriel AMSELEM - LadHyX - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
Le 17 Septembre 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
I will present two topics we are currently working on in the lab. The first one concerns fluidic networks, which are pervasive in all clades of biology, from the vasculature of animals and plants to ...
Séminaire interne.
Par Internal Seminar: Leonardo Demarchi, Silvia Grigolon
Le 10 Septembre 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires C404, 4ème étage, bâtiment C, IBPS
See English version of the webpage.
Biologie Théorique
Par Workshop SU-INRIA
Le 10 Septembre 2024 à 09h00 - Salle de séminaires 4ème étage - LJP - LIFT Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Programme workshop du mardi 10 au campus de Jussieu, salle 407, couloir 22-32, 4ème étage.        9h15: introduction   9h30: Martin Weigt: modèles ...
Uncovering and leveraging design principles in Boolean models of gene regulatory networks
Par Ajay Subbaroyan, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Tamil Nadu, India
Le 16 Juillet 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Boolean networks (BNs) are a well-established framework for modeling the dynamics of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). In Boolean GRNs, genes can be either "on" or "off", with their dynamics dictated ...
Community transitions and the emergence of alternative stable states in microbial systems
Par Daniel Amor , ENS Physics Department, Paris
Le 2 Juillet 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Microbial communities often face external perturbations that can induce lasting changes in their composition and functions. Responses to such perturbations can drive community functions, including ...
Bacteria exploring Newtonian and non-Newtonian complex fluids: from behavioral variability to medium assisted tumbling
Par Eric Clément, PMMH-ESPCI-PSL, Sorbonne University, University Paris-Cité, Paris
Le 25 Juin 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 22-32- 4e et. - P407
Understanding the way motile micro-organisms such as bacteria explore their environment is central to many ecological, medical and biotechnological issues. Here, I will present recent advances on the ...
Séminaire interne.
Par Internal Seminar: Martin Garic, Joseph Ackermann
Le 18 Juin 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
See the English version of the webpage.
Disorder-induced cooperative behaviour in aligning self-propelled particle systems
Par Eloise Lardet - Imperial College London -UK
Le 11 Juin 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533
Flocking is a prime example of how robust collective behaviours can emerge from simple interaction rules. The famous Vicsek model displays a transition from disorder to flocking by varying different ...
From perception to action without nerves and muscles: lessons from plants
Par Yoel Forterre - Laboratoire IUSTI, UMR 7343 CNRS, Aix Marseille University
Le 4 Juin 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T32-33, 5e étage - P.531
As sessile organisms, plants face a constantly changing environment with no means of escape. Thus, despite their lack of nerves and muscles, they have evolved unique mechanisms to perceive and respond...
Three-dimensional “cellular ballons” or cysts: microfluidic formation, growth, deformability, instabilities.
Par Pierre Nassoy - Laboratoire de Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) - Univ. Bordeaux - Talence
Le 28 Mai 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533
Organoids are lumen-containing multicellular structures that recapitulate key features of the organs. We will first present a microfluidic technology that allows to produce them at high throughput in ...
Deciphering the role of noise in cell shape changes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Par Wolfram Pönisch - The University of Cambridge, UK
Le 21 Mai 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533
The development of an organism requires sequential state transitions towards more specialised cell types. Many state transitions coincide with changes in cell shape, with emerging evidence suggesting ...
Séminaire interne.
Par Nicolas Harmand and Nelly Henry
Le 14 Mai 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
See English version.
Shedding light on micro-algae: phototaxis-induced collective phenomena
Par Raphaël Jeanneret - LPENS, Physics Department ENS
Le 30 Avril 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533
Motile micro-algae modify their environment by absorbing light, consuming and releasing chemical compounds and generating flows. Flows, light, and chemicals in turn influence their motion. These ...
Programmable self-assembly of nanotubes using DNA origami colloids
Par Daichi Hayakawa - Rogers Lab, Brandeis University
Le 23 Avril 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533
Nature is replete with self-assembled materials that have one or more self-limited dimensions, including shells, tubules, and fibers. Despite significant advances in making nanometer- and ...
Séminaire interne.
Par Angelo Charry and Maxime Deforet
Le 2 Avril 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
Séminaire interne. Les résumés se trouvent sur la version anglaise de la page.
Mechanics and polarity in B cells
Par Paolo Pierobon (Institut Cochin, CNRS , Université Paris Cité)
Le 26 Mars 2024 à 11h00 - Laboratoire Jean Perrin - Campus Jussieu - T 32-33 - 5e et. - P533
B cells serve as the primary producers of antibodies within the immune system. To elicit an effective immune response, they must recognize and internalize antigens through a specialized signaling ...
Oriented flows in biological tissues
Par Matthias Merkel (CPT, Marseille)
Le 19 Mars 2024 à 11h00 - salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tour 32-33
I will talk about two project involving oriented tissue flows. 1) Most animals display one or more body axes (e.g. head-to-tail, left-right, ventral-dorsal), which usually emerge during early ...
Exploring Adaptive Collective Systems with Swarms of Learning Robots
Par Nicolas Bredèche (ISIR, SU)
Le 12 Mars 2024 à 11h00 - salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tour 32-33
I will give a brief overview of the research we are conducting on using robot swarms to study adaptive collective systems in the physical world. I will focus on (1) robot swarm to study physical ...
Séminaire interne
Par Internal Seminar: Clément Nizak, Martin Maliet
Le 5 Mars 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
Séminaire interne.
Par Jeremy O'Byrne (LJP)
Le 30 Janvier 2024 à 11h00 - salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
Topology and robustness in early fate decision in the fly embryo
Par Arghyadip Mukherjee (ENS Paris)
Le 23 Janvier 2024 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
During embryogenesis, the earliest cell fate decision is often linked to nuclear positioning, whose control arises from the integration of the cell cycle oscillator and associated cytoskeletal ...
Structured populations and other stories
Par Alia Abbara (EPFL)
Le 9 Janvier 2024 à 11h00 - salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tour 32-33
A classical question in population genetics is to understand the spread of a mutant with a fitness advantage in a population, in  particular its fixation probability. This question has been ...
Par Samuel Bell (LJP)
Le 19 Décembre 2023 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
Constraining the immune system dynamics with a coevolving population: the HIV, flu and microbiome cases
Par Andrea Mazzolini (LPENS)
Le 5 Décembre 2023 à 11h00 - salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tour 32-33
The adaptive immune system is an extremely complex machinery that continuously evolves to recognize and fight external pathogens. This chase is often made harder by the fact that pathogens also evolve...
Can we program DNA reaction-diffusion fronts with molecular motors
Par Nicolas Lobato-Dauzier (Laboratoire Jean Perrin, Sorbonne Université)
Le 28 Novembre 2023 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
Couplings between biochemical and mechanical processes have a profound impact on embryonic development. However, in-vitro studies capable of quantifying these interactions have remained elusive. I ...
Internal LJP Seminar
Par Internal Seminar: Matteo Dommanget-Kott, Jean-Christophe Galas
Le 21 Novembre 2023 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP
Ecology of host and pathogen and limited predictability of evolution
Par Pierre Barrat-Charlaix (PoliTo)
Le 14 Novembre 2023 à 11h00 - salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tour 32-33
Seasonal influenza viruses repeatedly infect humans in part because they rapidly change their antigenic properties and evade host immune responses, necessitating frequent updates of the vaccine ...
Flexible selection of task-relevant features through population gating
Par Joao Barbosa (ENS Paris)
Le 7 Novembre 2023 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP - Tours 32-33
Brains can gracefully weed out irrelevant stimuli to guide behavior. This feat is believed to rely on a progressive selection of task-relevant stimuli across the cortical hierarchy, but the specific ...
Internal LJP Seminar
Par Internal Seminar: Gaspard Junot, Georges Debregeas
Le 24 Octobre 2023 à 11h00 - Salle de séminaires 5ème étage - LJP

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